Web 2.0 scientific calculator

Logarithm Calculator

The logarithm of a number $x$ with base $y$ (denoted as $\log _y x$) is the power to which the base $y$ must be raised to produce the number $x$.

With this convenient calculator, you can perform operations to calculate binary ($\log _2 x$), natural ($\log _e x$ or $\ln x$), and common logarithms ($\log _{10} x$ or $\lg x$), as well as a logarithm with any given base.

How to Use the Logarithm Calculator

Calculating binary logarithm:

$$\log _2 16 = 4$$

log 1 6 , 2 =

Calculating natural logarithm:

$$\log _e 1 = 0$$

log 1 , e =

Calculating common logarithm:

$$\log _{10} 1000 = 3$$

log 1 0 0 0 =

Calculating logarithm with a specified base:

$$\log _3 81 = 4$$

log 8 1 , 3 =